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8 Sep, 2016 18:40

‘IOC offers blueprint in battle against doping’ - ROC honorable president

‘IOC offers blueprint in battle against doping’ - ROC honorable president

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) have put forward to the independent Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) a way out of the current difficult situation, according to ROC honorable president Vitaliy Smirnov.

“In a meeting with the IOC head, which was extended by two hours, I was presented a route out,” Smirnov said, TASS reported.

“There was also a meeting with the president of WADA Craig Reed, who told us what we must do.”

Smirnov said creating a national anti-doping agency fully independent from government structures is the “main aim” of the ROC.

He also added that ROC chief Alexander Zhukov will do all he can to pass a law on anti-doping in Russia before the end of the year, citing the need for greater responsibility to curb the “criminal” act off anti-doping, especially in youths.

“We expect to launch an educational program to work with young athletes, we expect the help of WADA representatives, with which we have established good contacts,” he said.

Smirnov also said that the Russian Sports Ministry does not need to act as an intermediary in financing the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), and that funds should come directly from the state budget.

The official said the aim was to adapt a similar model to the British anti-doping agency UKAD, where 80 percent of resources come from the state budget.
